By Bedinical Ndatoya Zambia Union Conference Executive Secretary
The rapid growth of the church in Zambia has brought about the realignment of our country into two Unions - Southern Zambia Union Conference and Northern Zambia Union Conference.
At the beginning of this quinquennium in 2010 our membership was 718 759 and it now stands at 1 037 000 as of June 2015.
The realignment Session takes place from September 20-22, 2015 at Government Complex building in Lusaka. The delegates will be accommodated at the former Golden Bridge Hotel along Great East road close to Zesco head-office.
The proposed realignment is as shown in the map below:
Northern Zambia Union Conference will have its headquarters in Kitwe and will consist of the following entities: Copperbelt Conference, Central Zambia Conference, Luapula Zambia Field, and North Zambia Field. And the Southern Zambia Union Conference with Headquarters in Lusaka will have the following entities: South Zambia Conference, Lusaka Conference, East Zambia Field, and West Zambia Field.